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1 Skip Intro  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 12:30:45pm
You can Google this, you can find out all this information.

Hey, I saw it posted somewhere on the Innertubes, so that’s good enough for us here at Fox.

2 Mongo only pawn... in game of life.  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 12:49:17pm

And here I thought the “sleeper cells” would be activated by radio signals into the receivers they have in their fillings. Or like this. Fox Lunacy. We report, you need meds.

3 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 1:04:51pm

All those Muslim terror cells in Detroit, especially in Dearborn, should I be scared?

4 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 1:52:40pm

re: #3 Vicious Babushka

All those Muslim terror cells in Detroit, especially in Dearborn, should I be scared?

Nah, seeing as how you’re Jewish you’re prolly in cahoots with us Muslims somehow since you guys already have a well-established Zionist cabal in place. You guys control everything from banks, to movies, to politics, so we’d never be able to launch the Global Caliphate from America without your help. //

5 Destro  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:06:01pm

I knew those Detroit Lebanese restaurants were a front!!!! The food tasted too good for such a low price to actually be anything else other than a terror front!!!!

6 Destro  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:10:29pm

re: #1 Skip Intro

Republicans really miss the Cold War and the fear of that era. I mean I understand, the Cold War made space launches, TV wrestling, comic books, the Olympics and James Bond movies way better and fun to watch but being afraid of a television station from Qatar? I know they are trying to hold on to having an enemy as cool as the USSR to make their empty lives have meaning where they pretend to battle some evil empire for the betterment of all mankind but a TV news station is not filling that villain void for me.

7 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:13:35pm

re: #6 Destro

Agree that the GOP desperately needs a villain. Hopefully, the GOP does not do anything intelligent like finding a villain that could actually get some political traction (e.g., too big to fail banks).

8 electrotek  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:37:12pm

Oh wow, another “Persian” wingnut of a whore who has a serious inferiority complex that is typical of Islamophobic Iranians who think by allying themselves with far-right conservative bigots that they are spared. Next. Can someone let her know that she wouldn’t have been spared by Breivik had she been in Utoya? Wonder how she feels about the GOP war on women for a supposed independent Iranian woman. What a joke she is.

9 klys  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:40:06pm

re: #8 electrotek

Disagree with her politics or paranoia all you’d like, but keep the disagreement focused on those, yes?

10 electrotek  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:42:45pm

re: #9 klys

Disagree with her politics or paranoia all you’d like, but keep the disagreement focused on those, yes?

Sorry about that, I got carried away substantially with the “whore” comment. She reminded me of Pamela Geller who often claim to be all defensive of women’s rights in the Muslim world yet support the GOP’s war on women.

11 klys  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:59:47pm

re: #10 electrotek

Sorry about that, I got carried away substantially with the “whore” comment. She reminded me of Pamela Geller who often claim to be all defensive of women’s rights in the Muslim world yet support the GOP’s war on women.

Thanks for recognizing that. :) Hypocrisy is frustrating and I can empathize with wanting to smash something as a result.

12 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 3:13:07pm

re: #6 Destro

Republicans really miss the Cold War and the fear of that era….but being afraid of a television station from Qatar?

re: #7 EPR-radar

Agree that the GOP desperately needs a villain.

Yes, gotta have a bogeyman—the power of nightmares.

13 Skip Intro  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 4:44:45pm

re: #7 EPR-radar

Agree that the GOP desperately needs a villain.

The GOP has plenty of villains to choose from . Their party’s full of them. They could choose a different one every day, and never run out.

14 subterraneanhomesickalien  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 9:58:19pm

If the fascist twats that Fox News markets to somehow were able to perform a coup against the established government of the United States, then where do you think the ethnic cleansing would start?

I’m guessing Dearborn.

15 Shvaughn  Thu, Feb 21, 2013 11:58:06am

re: #11 klys

Hypocrisy is frustrating and I can empathize with wanting to smash something as a result.

You think that’s frustrating, you should try hippocracy.

16 klys  Thu, Feb 21, 2013 11:58:47am

re: #15 Hippocracy (rule by horses)

You think that’s frustrating, you should try hippocracy.

I will confess to having spellchecked it before I posted yesterday, before our beloved Ed introduced us to a new way of thinking.

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